1:1 Sessions Over Zoom Video:
Self-Inquiry Session (Single Session):
This session is an opportunity to dive deep into the nature of Self and address any issues relating to your specific life situation. Self-Inquiry sessions typically begin with a brief period of silence and then transition into a self-inquiry dialogue where questions are welcomed.
This 60-minute 1-to-1 self-inquiry session takes place over Zoom video and will be recorded (if requested). There is also an option to book a discounted session package (below) which will give you the opportunity to build upon and go deeper with the transformations that take place during each session.
Single Session fee: $97 USD
for 1 60-min. session
Self-Inquiry Session Package #1 (4 Sessions)
Consistent 1-to-1 self-inquiry sessions can be helpful; this package involves four 60-minute sessions which can be booked in accordance with your schedule. Self-Inquiry sessions typically begin with a brief period of silence and then transition into a self-inquiry dialogue where questions are welcomed.
These 60-minute 1-to-1 self-inquiry sessions takes place over Zoom video and will be recorded (if requested).
Package fee: $297 USD (save $100)
for 4 60-min. sessions
(A payment plan option is available that consists of 2 payments of $150 two weeks apart).
Self-Inquiry Session Package #2 (8 Sessions)
These 60-minute 1-to-1 self-inquiry sessions takes place over Zoom video and will be recorded (if requested).
Package fee: $497 USD (save $300)
for 8 60-min. sessions
(A payment plan option is available that consists of 4 payments of $125 ~ Each payment is two weeks apart).
“As perfect flow always knows and goes, I was directed to Kyle’s videos and books at a quintessential moment in my unfolding. My entire memory and sense of self had been unraveling from what feels like the very beginning of my life as I knew it, and I felt that I had come to a breaking point, which felt like pure and total annihilation. My deepest inner-fabric was on fire, and I was holding on for dear life to what felt like a singular crumbling stone on an undefended, dark cliff face. Something impersonal and unrelenting was consuming me like a virus and I felt ravaged and lost.
I booked four sessions with Kyle, and had no idea what to expect. What was granted to me was a stark grace, stillness and presence that felt like truth and innocence remembering itself within me. Kyle’s oneness is like breathing in an infusion of life and essence that seeps into the indefinable space as a flame of truth.
I did let go of that cliff face into the void, which is where I am. Kyle’s pure being was like map in consciousness for me, showing me that I had landed where I had always already been. I am truly and deeply grateful for the essence that is Kyle. I feel eternally blessed to have un-remembered myself to be remembered as the indescribable singular truth…that still point within.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“I’ve had the opportunity of participating in two private sessions online with Kyle. Kyle is a clear Being who not only “knows” Truth but is Truth. It is what we all are searching for.
First thing that happens is he throws out “the searcher” who doesn’t exist in the first place, and brings you back to Presence. My first session brought me into a place that feels like pure existence, or home….like this is all that is happening or all that is… simply being. The second session lit up a part of myself that was suffering, that needed to be seen and let go of all the while reminding me that there is no “me” to suffer in the first place. It is all about Being.
Although the second session might seem more intense it brought about more freedom. Words are lacking to describe what actually goes on in a session with Kyle. Presence can take a willing individual where they can truly Be.”
“Working with Kyle is a gift. As he tends to suggest, much of his skill is of great value for those who have come to the end of seeking and being a seeker; those who have exhausted all the avenues and practices that were supposed to bring fruit but have only been exposed as empty games. Kyle is great at sweeping you into a corner where you can’t get out, the ego can’t hold onto its flag of identity. He’ll leave you, if you allow him, with the glaring clarity that the center is empty. Brilliant stillness.”
Thank you, Kyle.
“After becoming exhausted with books and mystical experiences using psychedelics, I felt like I could not make any more progress. I had read everything from Alan Watts and Eckhart Tolle to Jed Mckenna and Karl Renz. I have had more than 10 sessions with Kyle Hoobin over the course of one year and it has been the best investment I have made in my journey. If you have read all the books and had all the mystical experiences like myself but still feel like you have not made any real progress then as the saying goes…
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
“I first became aware of Kyle when I saw the author photo for his book, The Method, 5 Inquiry Steps To Enlightenment. There seemed to be an instant recognition of him on some level and as I read his story I was touched by his humility and authenticity. As I listened to his videos and read several of his books I was elated to find out that he makes himself available to work one-on-one with those who have become disillusioned and are ready for truth. He radiates peace and speaks directly to the heart. If you’re ready to step out of the illusion and would like guidance along the way, I highly recommend Kyle Hoobin.”
“Think of Kyle as a precise, non-distorting mirror. Regardless of the image you present, what you receive back is a refined image of the real YOU. The experience of seeing your Self may initially elicit frustration, anxiety, sadness, anger, joy, or transcendence. But regardless of transitory emotions, we all long for glimpses of the true Self and the promise of returning to the truth represented in the image. Working with Kyle is very highly recommended.”
“Dear Kyle, There was never a me, just the thought/feeling of me. There is only Presence-God-The Knowing, and everything appears in that. Among those appearances are a “body” and a “mind,” which are not really objects, but more like happenings, always in motion. Seeing them as objects enabled the identification with them. Who identified? Consciousness, I suppose, because there appears to have been a shift in consciousness, as if everything were turned inside out.
There is still a “person” appearing in consciousness, a person who sometimes feels anger, or bodily discomfort, or lust, or even “me,” but that person is no longer the knower, but the known. It really is like watching a character in a movie, playing his role. Even so, the person seems far more quiet, sometimes like an empty vessel for Presence to shine through. I don’t know how this will play out for the person, but I’m not too concerned with it. All I know is, being “me” really sucked ? Thank you, Kyle, for your wisdom and your guidance. It was a privilege and a beautiful experience. With love, Esteban”
“A condition of comfort, warmth, safety and silence enveloped me at times during the session (and afterwards). I suffer from a lot of self-consciousness which is even with me when I close my eyes and meditate (particularly in groups). Hypnosis with Kyle was much more profound for me than meditation has ever been. It drew my attention away from myself and towards external points of relaxed concentration.
That weekend after the session I experienced a number of social situations which had previously been anxiety-inducing and I experienced them with either zero or much reduced anxiety. Most importantly I experienced something new — a great sense of wellbeing. At times it was greater than it had been during the hypnosis session. For the first two days after the session, thoughts no longer seemed as problematic or urgent. The inner dialogue that had previously swept me away with it no longer seemed worth the effort. There was a tremendous feeling of intuitive depth that was just nice to sit in and watch the world pass by without that feeling of low level anxiety. I see merit in Kyle’s use of this modality both from a healing perspective and in terms of driving the frustrated seeker deeper. I will be doing more sessions with him.”
“I have a diagnosis of major depression and a panic disorder. I’ve been working with being present and letting go of ego for years now. I can dip into silence and presence very easily. I don’t stay there though, because feeling present triggers my brain that bad things are going to happen. The sensation of unity leads to a sense of impending doom.
I spoke very briefly about this to Kyle. Then I followed his directions for the hypnosis session. I watched as my mind and body went deeper. I felt my body go to sleep. At some point, I mulled over whether or not to keep going deeper, then remembered that I trust Kyle and it would be fine. I heard him speak simply and kindly to me. Saying a few things that maybe I’ve already said to myself, but this wasn’t my ego trying to direct my source. It felt like a clear source talking to the same clear source in me.
Since then, the feeling of there always being panic at the edges, is gone. I don’t feel sick, trying to accept presence and panic at the same time. I’m surprised and relieved. And I wonder if letting go of some deep conditioning can be this easy for everyone. I’m very grateful for Kyle’s help.”
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The content of this site is for informational purposes only. Nothing found on this website is intended to be a substitute for professional psychological, psychiatric or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kyle Hoobin accepts no responsibility for the results of any actions taken on the basis of information on this website, nor for the accuracy or completeness of any material contained herein. Kyle Hoobin expressly disclaims all and any liability and responsibility to any person in respect of the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by such person in reliance, whether wholly or partially, upon this website.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or mental disorder. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or local medical establishment immediately.
Reliance on any information provided by Kyle Hoobin or by any person appearing on this website or through private individual sessions with Kyle Hoobin is solely at your own risk. Kyle Hoobin is not liable for any advice or information provided. No warranties, either expressed or implied, are made on the information provided.
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