“Forget enlightenment, I just want to be happy.” No, you don’t. Everyone is seeking enlightenment (completion) because everyone thinks they know who they are. When you think you know who you are, you believe yourself to be incomplete. There is no other reason to think...
The Blasphemy That Is The Non-Existent Victim (Silent Transmissions: Issue #6)
“CNN said the world is $217 trillion dollars in debt... who the f**k we owe? The Decepticons?”— Late-night talk show guest In order for victims to exist there has to be perpetrators. In order for there to be perpetrators, there has to be ignorance of unity. Ignorance...
Why There’s A Happy Ending To You (Silent Transmissions: Issue #5)
There it is again, tapping you on the shoulder, reminding you not to get too comfortable. Something is ‘off’ and in spite of things appearing to be okay, you’d be fooling yourself to actually believe that. Familiar shitty advice isn’t it? Have you noticed how...