Does the universe care about you? As it happens, to ask such a question means that you’ve been duped. Nothing to be ashamed of, after all, you’re in good company. 99.9999999% of all human beings are either in a state of total dupedness, 75% dupedness, 50% dupedness,...
A Love Letter From Trauma (Silent Transmissions: Issue #3)
Mon Chéri, Who you are is still wrong. Just a little bit further, ok? I love how you’ve got them all fooled though. You really do look like you have it all together. I want to remind you though, my dear, that I still know what’s going on. I still know what you’re...
Manifestation: What’s Really The Deal? (Silent Transmissions: Issue #2)
Not to worry, this is not another New Agey article providing you with the latest tricks for manifesting the life of your dreams. In fact, if the authors and supporters of “The Secret” were to catch wind of this, they’d probably lose their shit. I’m just kidding of...